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AddressPo box 16002
Austin, Texas 78761
United States
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Reference 1:Martha Ramirez 5126963265
Reference 2:Daveena Greene. 4094436558
Reference 3:Michael Raines 8177053340
What type of projects are you interested in working on with us?Postering, Flyering and general canvassing
Do you have a valid drivers license?Yes
Experience in promotions or marketing:Yes
Do you have any sales experience?Yes
Hobbies and interests:Making it thru the day
When is the best time to contact?Anytime
How far are you willing to drive or travel by driving?reimbursed
Do you own a Smartphone, Iphone or Android?Android
What are your favorite types of music?Eclectic
Do you have reliable transportation?Yes
What languages do you speak fluently?English, Spanish
If "Other" language selected please tell us which one.
What is your shirt size?.medium
Preferred payment method ( check all that apply) :Cash App, Direct Deposit
Ability to perform certain tasks:I am able to lift over 50lbs, I can stand for long periods of time on my feet, I will need to take breaks at intervals to administer medication privately.
Documentation on file
Do you have any medical restrictions we should know about ?High Functionality Anxiety/Mania..but on the bright side, they kinda sorta don't really hinder me, the get Mr and Keep me moving..
Emergency ContactsMarthaRamirez 512 6963265
Important forms you will need to fill out and send us are on the next screen:
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Entry DateFebruary 18, 2020
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