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Date of Birth
Address11133 Sailbrooke Dr
Riverview, Florida 33579
United States
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Reference 1:Giselle Perez (813) 438-6405
Reference 2:Kelvin Pizarro (813) 382-4856
Reference 3:
What type of projects are you interested in working on with us?
Do you have a valid drivers license?Yes
Experience in promotions or marketing:I have worked with Sprint, Cricket, Vice-Cream, Country Crock, Total Wine and Ford. Work with this companies included sales, tasting, lead generation and brand awareness.
Do you have any sales experience?I have 3+ years if sales experience.
Hobbies and interests:I am an animal lover and I enjoy reading as well. Taking strolls at the beach is a passion.
When is the best time to contact?Any time between 9 am- 9 pm
How far are you willing to drive or travel by driving?
Do you own a Smartphone, Iphone or Android?iPhone iOS
What are your favorite types of music?Latin and Hip Hop
Do you have reliable transportation?Yes. I own a Toyota Highlander 2011
What languages do you speak fluently?
If "Other" language selected please tell us which one.
What is your shirt size?Medium
Mobile Phone#813-382-6611
Preferred payment method ( check all that apply) :
Ability to perform certain tasks:
Documentation on file
Do you have any medical restrictions we should know about ?
Emergency Contacts
Important forms you will need to fill out and send us are on the next screen:
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Entry DateDecember 6, 2017
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