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Devin Lawrence


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Date of Birth

1501 Algonkin Loop
Orlando, Florida 32828
United States
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Reference 1:

Jeannene Burton (407) 616-0513

Reference 2:

Shmu'el Polykarpos (786) 203-6335

Reference 3:


What type of projects are you interested in working on with us?
Do you have a valid drivers license?


Experience in promotions or marketing:

I have experience in promotions and marketing, working as team leader for many marketing projects with companies like Enve Management (Management group for Bad Boys Ent.) helping with content creation and marketing for The Bad Boys concert in Tampa. I've worked with creative agencies here in Orlando (FRAME creative agency and The Vision LLC.) as a creative director on projects events such as the FRAME Roast & Toast (Networking event), I promoted the event by curating and creating content for social media as well as navigating the networking event as a concierge. Working with The Vision LLC. was a joy, I love giving back to the community and for 2 years we've been able to successfully host the Back To School Summer Jam here in Orlando. My role as a team member is to help curate and create content for the marketing campaign.

Do you have any sales experience?

I have prior sales experience working in retail and customer service. I've worked for Gap as a sales associate adhering to strict sales quotas, making sure to upscale at least 10 Gap Credit Cards per shift. Working within the 2nd largest Gap Store within the country, my statistics ranked me #4 for total up-sales by a sales associate. Upselling at least 40 Gap Cards per month and maintaining that rate.

Hobbies and interests:

Content Creation, Social Media Marketing, editing video/photography, writing, reviewing/curating underground artists, as well as rollerblading and currently binge-watching For The People on Hulu.

When is the best time to contact?

I'm readily available at any time, during normal business hours you can reach me by phone and I'll receive email correspondence and respond swiftly or at my earliest convenience.

How far are you willing to drive or travel by driving?
Do you own a Smartphone, Iphone or Android?


What are your favorite types of music?

Neo-Soul, Folk-Pop, R&B, TrapSoul

Do you have reliable transportation?


What languages do you speak fluently?
If "Other" language selected please tell us which one.
What is your shirt size?


Mobile Phone#


Can We Text You?


Preferred payment method ( check all that apply) :
Ability to perform certain tasks:
Documentation on file
Do you have any medical restrictions we should know about ?
Emergency Contacts
Important forms you will need to fill out and send us are on the next screen:
Approval Status


Entry ID


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Result Number


Entry Date

May 2, 2018

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