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Thomas Kondash


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Date of Birth

611 E 45th street APT 14
Austin, Texas 78751
United States
Map It

Reference 1:

Crisene Casper. 512-861-3539

Reference 2:

Lindsay Long. 512.471.6024

Reference 3:


What type of projects are you interested in working on with us?
Do you have a valid drivers license?


Experience in promotions or marketing:

Worked as a BA for these companies in the past 8 months:
Chariot - Acted as a BA for several ongoing promotional waves around Austin.
Ride Austin - Engage with patrons and distribute promo items around town.
Youtube - Acted as on-site BA/PA for a large-scale SXSW interactive video activation.
Google - Worked as a production assistant for a temporary pop-up product activation.

Do you have any sales experience?

May - August of 2015. Bloomington, IN.
Indiana University Athletics Ticket Office
Sales Associate Intern
+ Conducted ticket sales by cultivating business relationships with alumni, donors, individuals, and organizations throughout the country.
+ Constructed various sales strategies tailored to multiple demographics and interest levels.
+ Executed outbound sales calls in an e ort to retain and acquire customers.
+ Worked with a sales team to attain weekly group sales goals.
+ Represented the department of intercollegiate athletics and Indiana University as a whole.

Hobbies and interests:

Avid music listener and concert goer. I love the outdoors and enjoy fishing and hiking.

When is the best time to contact?

Any day 10:00am - 7:00pm

How far are you willing to drive or travel by driving?
Do you own a Smartphone, Iphone or Android?

iPhone iOS

What are your favorite types of music?

Electronic, indie rock, alternative, jazz, hip hop.

Do you have reliable transportation?


What languages do you speak fluently?
If "Other" language selected please tell us which one.
What is your shirt size?


Mobile Phone#


Can We Text You?


Preferred payment method ( check all that apply) :
Ability to perform certain tasks:
Documentation on file
Do you have any medical restrictions we should know about ?
Emergency Contacts
Important forms you will need to fill out and send us are on the next screen:
Approval Status


Entry ID


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Entry Date

May 16, 2018

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